Monday, January 25, 2021

Joseph Sr and Lucy Smith Frame Home: Palmyra, New York

Near the log cabin is a very large building– a “temple.” The place was totally devoid of any people. The cabin was obviously decorated to imitate a typical family dwelling in the early 1800s. The Smith log home in Palmyra, NY is a Church Historical Site, owned and operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is open seven days a week and may be entered when accompanied by missionary hosts during posted hours. Shortly after Joseph’s experience, tragedy struck the Smith family with the death of Joseph’s elder brother Alvin.

joseph smith home palmyra new york

This table is depicted in the painting of Joseph Smith bringing the plates home from the Hill Cumorah. Artists Michael Malm, left, and Linda Curley Christensen, are pictured in the Smith Family Frame Home in Palmyra, New York, in December 2019. The home is featured in the artists’ painting of Joseph Smith bringing the plates home from the Hill Cumorah. Many who have virtually toured the Sacred Grove and Smith Farm in Palmyra, New York, in recent months may have seen four new paintings recently commissioned by the Church. The home is featured in the artists’ painting of Joseph Smith brining the plates home from the Hill Cumorah. This table is depicted in the painting of Joseph Smith brining the plates home from the Hill Cumorah.

The Bible Or The Book Of Mormon?

After Smith’s death, Mormon leaders incorporated polygamy as a Mormon doctrine until 1890, when it was repealed under pressure by the U.S. Smith later claimed that an angel named Moroni appeared to him in 1823, had him transcribe and then bury some golden plates and start up a new church, the Mormon Church, named after the Book of Mormon. The Ensign Peak Foundation is an independent 501 organization whose mission is to identify, preserve, and commemorate sites, events, and people of significance in Latter-day Saint history throughout the world. The kitchen of the Smith home was the scene of one of the most disappointing events in the life of the Prophet Joseph Smith. In the summer of 1828, against the Lord’s clear counsel, Joseph allowed his scribe, Martin Harris, to take 116 pages of handwritten translation of the Book of Mormon plates to show to his wife in Palmyra, New York.

joseph smith home palmyra new york

“These paintings are there to orient people to the spiritual significance of events that occurred on this site,” he said. The farm—located in the townships of Palmyra, Wayne County and Manchester, Ontario County, New York—includes the Sacred Grove, the Smiths' restored frame home, and a reconstructed log home. The farm site passed into ownership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1915, and in the 1990s, the church restored the frame home, reconstructed the log home, and built a welcome center. Replica of the Joseph Smith Sr. home, built on the site of the original log house near Palmyra, New York.

Compare the Book of Mormon with the Bible:

Illinois authorities revoke Nauvoo's city charter and ask the Mormon community to leave. In February 1845, emerging church head Brigham Young leads thousands of Saints out of Illinois, heading west to Mexican territory. On October 27, 1838, Missouri governor Lilburn Boggs takes a dramatic stand to end violence. His executive order calls for the expulsion or extermination of all Mormons from the state.

Thus, on September 22, 1823, a day listed in local almanacs as the autumn equinox, Smith said that he went to a prominent hill near his home, and found the location of the artifacts. There are varying accounts as to how Smith reportedly found the precise location of the golden plates. In 1838, Smith stated that this location was shown to him in a vision while he conversed with Moroni. This conforms to an account by Smith's friend Joseph Knight Sr., though he refers to Smith's guide only as "the personage." However, according to a Palmyra resident Henry Harris, Smith told him he located the plates using his seer stone. In yet another account, the angel required Smith to follow a sequence of landmarks until he arrived at the correct location.

Religious background

Joseph Smith Jr. dated the vision to when he was "a little over fourteen years of age" Roberts (1902, vol. 1, ch. 1, p. 7), which would have been 1820. However, Smith's brother William stated it happened when Joseph was eighteen years old, when William himself would have been twelve Smith (1883, p. 6). Orsamus Turner who reported Smith "catching a spark of Methodism on the Vienna road" visited Palmyra only between 1822 and 1828.Vogel (2004, p. 59). Artist Michael Malm captures details of a table in the Smith Family Frame Home in Palmyra, New York, in December 2019.

A number of family members fell ill, and Joseph experienced a common complication whereby typhoid bacteria infected bone, in Smith's case, the shin bone. After the typically horrific early nineteenth-century surgery without either anesthetic or antiseptic, Smith eventually recovered, though he used crutches for several years and had a slight limp for the remainder of his life. The painting of Joseph Smith bringing home the gold plates from the Hill Cumorah portrays the involvement of his family, West said.

Significantly, the Smith family lived in this log home during the time of the First Vision and visits from the angel Moroni informing Joseph, Jr., regarding the coming forth of the Book of Mormon on the night of September 21-22, 1823. Not long after the Smiths moved into the log home, situated a few hundred feet to the north, they contracted to purchase an additional 100 acres adjoining their 80 acre farm. Alvin determined to build a home where his parents could enjoy their family in their later years and to repay them for all of their love, toil, and sacrifice in behalf of their children. Sadly, before Alvin could finish this more spacious frame home, he died on November 19, 1823, while the Smiths still resided in the log home. He passed away just a few months after Moroni had appeared to his younger brother. The Mormons toil on the large stone building from 1833 until 1836, dedicating one day out of seven to its construction.

joseph smith home palmyra new york

His sister Katharine is shown helping Joseph place the plates on the table, while his mother, Lucy Mack Smith, is at her side. The paintings depict four key Restoration events that took place on the site and are displayed in a new exhibit in the Welcome Center, to the right of the panoramic window offering an expansive view of the Smith farm. They were installed in March 2020, shortly after Church historic sites closed due to COVID-19.

In the family room, the Smiths kept the plates in a chest, shown on the dresser to the right. No names peculiar to the Book of Mormon have ever been found in New World inscriptions. No genuine inscriptions have ever been found in Egyptian or anything similar which could correspond to the "reformed Egyptian tongue." No ancient copies of the Book of Mormon have ever been found.

joseph smith home palmyra new york

When Martin did not return to Harmony, Pennsylvania, where Joseph and Emma lived at the time, Joseph traveled to Palmyra to inquire the reason for Martin Harris’ delayed return. Word was sent to the Harris home that Joseph needed to speak with Martin immediately. Hours passed before Martin entered the Smith home, where he sat at the kitchen table with his head in his hands avoiding eye contact with Joseph. ” When Martin informed Joseph that he had lost the manuscript, Lucy Mack Smith said that Joseph clinched his hands together and exclaimed, “All is lost, is lost! It is I who tempted the wrath of God by asking him for that which I had no right to ask, as I was differently instructed by the angel.” And he wept and groaned, walking the floor continually.

Early life of Joseph Smith

The first convoy to arrive at the place that will become Winter Quarters divides the camp into wards, plants crops and builds log cabins. By 1844, the dynamic settlement's population has grown to 12,000, rivaling the size of Chicago. Smith has himself appointed chief justice of the city court and lieutenant general of a Nauvoo militia, merging church and state in a thriving theocracy, where Mormons wield political and military might. In the summer of 1833, an angry mob storms the newspaper's offices, destroys the press, and tars and feathers two Mormon leaders. The tensions and skirmishes escalate, forcing the Missouri Mormons to relocate several times over the next few years.

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